Following your heart. What does it mean?
Other then listening totally to our mind’s chattering logic to act out life. One should place more emphasis on the emotions of our heart and acting life through it.
Listen to your heart. Can the heart talk?
Our heart talk in the language of emotions. As most are used to the sensation of our mind thinking, feeling our heart’s talk may be like getting used to a foreign language. Constant awareness of the sadness and joy that arises from the heart integrates our knowing on what it wants. In time this will be a second nature to oneself.
Why is listening to our heart talk important?
Our heart intricately links to our soul, it talks the language of our soul. The intelligence is divine for the soul purpose of our life time. Directed by one’s inner divine intelligences is a way to one’s own life purpose. Everyone’s life purpose is different and it is already there in you. Seeking within is the true way to lead a real life according to our soul’s plan.
Living out of sync with our heart truth?
Ever had a moment in life that a truth in you will triggered the people around, shake the current relationship with close one or even rock our love ones?
One can deny their own truth by sticking with the flow of society norm, cultural standard or basic protocol of human conduct. So that one conform to masses acceptance and pleasing the world around them, in the hope that they will not be wrong. The fear of being wrong is so huge that they deny the reality in their heart. This seems to be an easier path for a start but it may be a hollow one as one cannot feel truly fulfilled.
Denying the truth from our heart in a way deny ourself in totality. A person that deny themselves denies their real existences hence dis-empowering their own power of their authenticity. A self dis-empowered person is like a zombie in life as they are not in total connection to their soul. And hence they will not be on the path of their soul’s purpose.
Living in sync with our heart truth?
Being living in sync with our heart’s truth set one on a journey towards one’s soul purpose. This journey will come with moment of fear and contentment, sadness and joy, high and low. This is be like an adventure trip that our soul have sign on this package of life.
The difficult moment of the journey comes when following our heart means rocking others’ life. With one’s truest intent of authenticity and compassion. One may need to bared through our barrier of huge fear and pain to stand tall for one’s truth. Proudly be in the skin of who we are truly. The never ending challenge, learning and fulfilment will be the ride of our life. Real fulfilment will be the rewarding juice that nourishes our soul.
Abyssal truth?
Communicate truth under the depth of abyssal pressure. (True strength).