


Grieve is a natural process. Allowing one’s choked heart to unleashed our grieving tears out of us. Where it will become the seed of life.

Sadness is a natural emotion. When it is being suppress due to fear, it will be locked up in our heart. To do that one will have to harden our heart to contain the sadness within. A harden heart create much stuckness and numbness in life. Our heart is central to orchestrating our emotions in life. But when the heart is harden, it will not be able to function properly. And it will not be able to regulate our emotions naturally. Hence one slowly numbified till one is totally stuck. The process seems like a emotionally healthy human being slowly becoming a zombie.

Whenever you realised that you are numb or stuck in life. It may be a good idea to look deeper at your heart. Is it healthy, is it harden or it is holding up much stuck energy? Many times one will not even notice that they are stuck or numb to life. So it is good practice to always feel our self more and allow any sadness to flow through, allowing ourself to experienced that sadness that is meant to be. In allowing our stuck sadness to flow out of our heart containment, we relieve a bit of our numbness. In that act we allow ourself to be a bit more alive. Hence the tears that drain our sadness out from our heart can be seen to be a seed of life. Creating more aliveness in us when it is been unleashed.

Be in sync with nature, experienced all that comes our way is being alive.





converging dragons

Easy times attracts easiness and tough times attracts dragons. A dragon is already quite a handful but when you see more then one converging towards you. Good luck.

There is always a treasure that a dragon is guarding and they will be aggressively protecting it. So in seeing that the dragons are converging towards you, you must be near the treasure that they are guarding. For one to see converging dragons, one must be on a path towards a great treasure. When one is ready for the quest, one will see it.

To be able to slay the dragons means you have overcome your fear of it and gain the courage on your treasure.

To be defeated by the dragons means that one is still not ready for the treasure yet.

Good Luck 🙂



The White Knight Within


The concept of an archetype is found in areas relating to behavior, modern psychological theory, and literary analysis. An archetype can be

  1. a statement, pattern of behavior, or prototype which other statements, patterns of behavior, and objects copy or emulate;
  2. a Platonic philosophical idea referring to pure forms which embody the fundamental characteristics of a thing;
  3. a collectively-inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., that is universally present in individual psyches, as in Jungian psychology;
  4. or a constantly recurring symbol or motif in literature, painting, or mythology (this usage of the term draws from both comparative anthropology and Jungian archetypal theory).

quoted from wikipedia

I ask for a card that requires my immediate attention and pull out a rescuer card. It resonated. Many times in life I remember a part that truly wants to help or rescue when I see people of fallen grace. Many a times I will bury myself deep into the rescue mission and many times I will overdo it to a state that I bend over my back and break it. When that happen I felt helpless and fell into a deep hole of self pity. When the rescued does not reciprocate in moment like this, I tend to go into a self pity overdrive and self destructive negative spiral. This is the typical shadow attributes of a rescuer.

I identify a part in me with an rescuer archetype, he is the Empathetic White Knight. The shadow journey with him have taught me priceless lessons about boundaries and self love and self respect. All these are important lessons that will groom the light attributes of a rescuer.

Light attributes of a rescuer is to provides strength and support to others in crisis. Acts out of love with no expectation of rewards.



The Journey

Mechanics of Life


The journey of life felt to me that it is like a hot air balloon trip. To embark on it, holding on only caused bruising and unnecessary pain. Signing on for the journey but still holding on to attachment and addiction may be a self inflicted cruelty. But it may also have been the process of grooming the ego for a higher task. A necessary evil I guess.

When everything is wrong, one just need to know that everything will right itself eventually. The journey does not start as long as one is not ready. So in a way life seems so diplomatic to all beings.

Up up and away ……………

Facing Truth

My Demon


Being aware of my current plastic state is an awakening phase. But facing the truth within is my journey of self acceptances and lesson of grooming courage to face my truth.

A simple situation below has created a huge battle of owning, holding and living with how I truly felt.

When my cleaner suddenly text me that she is raising her rates a day before coming, I felt angry that her ways of informing makes me felt force. My ego felt that her demand rates are much above her work required hence I felt cheated but continues with her anyway as it is so last minute. Clearly I can see that she have her rights to demand what she feels deserving but I just could not get through my feelings of being cheated. My old ways of being is to sweep all my negative emotion under my plastic carpet and the world is rosy again for us all. This time I did not allow myself my old ways of operation. I allow the cheated emotion to raised within me, get to know it’s root and seeing a way to live with it. This was not easy for me as my aura of this anger seems to affect my cleaner and I can see that she is affected much by it.  As much as I did not  enjoy the air of anger between us, I held on to be in sync with what is truthfully real in me.

It has been 2 weeks after that and my cleaner came again today. There is still some uneasiness in our air space but I suddenly realised that I have been more authentic with myself. A new found respect for the courage to stand in my truth.



Good Luck

Good Luck


Inspiration for this drawing is came from Holy Shit post.

Human love good luck and like to manifest for good luck to come its way. That longing if it is strong enough may stir some feeling from an angel. As the saying goes “You get what you ask for”.

All living being as small as bacteria from the cellular realm to as big as human from the human realm love to have some good luck. So remember to sets our intention clearly to manifest for our good luck. Good Luck to the angel that has his feeling triggered by us.:P

Holy Shit




The inspiration that starts the ball rolling. One morning I had a  close counter with a pile of shit, human shit I think. First reaction was “Holy Shit” and I distanced myself from it. From a distance I saw some bugs crowding on the shit as if they have found some precious treasures.

“Hey come to think about it, its true that it is a true treasure to them.”

“Human shit that me human are so fearful is a precious treasures of the bugs.”

[A sudden knowing flash by me]

“Then it could be that the riches that we humans long for may be the poop of angels.” 🙂

[The above cartoon strip came into mind]

The title Holy Shit came into mind and snowball into a blog call HOLY which can deliver my expression to all. 😛